• The Portuguese Primitives (1450-1550)

    The Century of Nuno Gonçalves

The exhibition includes more than 150 paintings from the 15th century and the first half of the 16th century, reconstructing some of the most beautiful Portuguese altarpieces from that period and making it possible to establish a series of comparisons between works whose authorship still remains open to debate. It attempts to take a critical look at the Portuguese Primitives from a modern-day viewpoint, and, using modern techniques of analysis, also seeks to underline the importance of the technical and material study of that heritage. The works chosen for exhibition include the most important panels from various altarpieces, but also give particular emphasis to lesser known paintings, some of which have been specially restored for this occasion. Important works have also been brought from abroad – from museums in Italy, France, Belgium and Poland.

José Alberto Seabra Carvalho
Joaquim Oliveira Caetano