Hiring of premises

Decree-Law No. 115/2012, of 25 May, regulates the use of premises at the Dependent Services and properties managed by the DGPC (Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage), with the aim of ensuring a profitable return from their use based on their quality, and above all with the aim of safeguarding their specific nature and prestige.

As these properties are privileged places for the organisation and holding of special events, and because of their dignity and the collections housed in some of them, admission to the premises must be controlled in order to guard against their being used in a way that is inappropriate to their origins, their dignity or the cultural message that they transmit.

However, in view of the growing number of requests that are made to hire these premises, it is important to establish general criteria regarding access to these spaces and their use, so that both the potential user and the department responsible for the upkeep of the building know exactly how to act.

The aim of these regulations is therefore to establish a set of guidelines that will standardise procedures in such cases.

Hiring of the MNAA Premises (Prices)

Miguel Soromenho

Maria Miguel Lucas

Tel: +351 213 912 851